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International Decade of Soils (2015-2024) // Декада почв

Добавлено: Ср янв 27, 2016 1:12 pm
Международное сообщество почвоведов проводит Декаду почв с 2015 по 2024 год. В этот период почвоведы всего мира стремятся продвигать идеи Наук о почвах в массы, популяризировать почвоведение среди широких слоев населения:

During the above mentioned event IUSS President Prof. Rainer Horn took the opportunity to announce the International Decade of Soils 2015 -2024, which was unilaterally declared by IUSS, to keep the momentum and further increase soil awareness. IUSS will seek the support of global organizations such as CGIAR, FAO, IAEA, UNEP and others for this initiative. We kindly ask you to actively support us through the channels at your disposal. We intend to provide a logo and other information/dissemination materials in the near future.
The United Nations’ decision to inaugurate 2015 as International Year of Soils was an important step in raising public awareness. But public concern alone is not sufficient to protect soils and ensure their sustainable use. Soil scientists in every country around the world need to take and to maintain action.
It is essential that all IUSS Divisions, Commissions, Working Groups, national and individual members accept the challenge to undertake activities to ensure that the significance of soils in maintaining healthy life and environment remain continually at the forefront of political and scientific planning and decision making.