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Which soils are found in cities?

Добавлено: Вт авг 24, 2021 1:02 am
It depends on the geographic location and history of the area. Recently, I was walking in the south-west of Moscow near ​​the Battle of Borodino Museum-panorama, and there workers dug up a real soil pit to replace pipes. This is the above-floodplain terrace of the Moskva River, composed of sandy and sandy clay deposits covered with blanket clay loams (absolute height 125-160 meters). The predominant type of soil is humified, medium-thick urban soil (urbanozem). The name "urbanozem" comes from lat. urbanus - urban. Urban soils are different from natural ones as they are formed under strong anthropogenic impact (human activity). In this area you can also find gleyed soils, replantozems (with an additional bulk humus horizon) and ecranozems (soils tightly covered with a road surface). What are the soils in the pits of your city?
soil-urbanozem.jpg (382.6 КБ) 2122 просмотра
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