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Who will dig soil cross section?

Добавлено: Вт авг 24, 2021 12:57 am
Every soil scientist knows how to dig a soil cross section correctly! These "pits" are needed in order to determine and describe the soil type, to take samples for analysis. An experienced specialist can, even before digging, guess what kind of soil we will meet there and what properties it may have. But there are also surprises - what if a "secret" horizon or unexpected inclusions are found in the soil? Since the soils are in the open air - literally in nature - we need to dig the soil so that we can see all the horizons and the parent material. The average depth is 1.5 meters or a little more, where we will go down by the steps carved on one side of the soil cross section. And the main wall that we are studying must face the sun so that the researchers can clearly see everything. The soil from the cross section must be carefully removed and folded along the side long edges so that our main wall does not get dirty and crumble. Soil science is also a fitness profession! And the phrase "safety-in-numbers in the field" plays a special meaning for the soil scientist: who will dig?
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