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Soil field work and diary of soilscientist

Добавлено: Пн фев 17, 2020 2:40 pm
The field work of the soil scientist is always a pleasure: beautiful places, fresh air, new experience and knowledge about nature and soils! If you are a soil scientist, then in the field you work in a team of like-minded people who very quickly become friends for life. And if you are a female soil scientist, then of course you can dig a soil cross-section by yourself, but usually you do have a muscular assistant. And nowdays special equipment and robots are already appearing that greatly facilitate soil research. But what you always need to have with you is a soil field diary. Are you still carrying a paper soil field diary with you, or are you already writing all the data to your mobile phone / tablet or other electronic devices?

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#fieldwork #soilscientist #womeninscience #soilexpedition #soildata #soildiary #soil #research